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How We Raise Our Cattle

Over the years, farming practices and technologies have changed, but our commitment to providing our customers the highest quality beef has not. We take seriously our role as stewards of what God has given us and care for it with thankful hearts. God has blessed us abundantly and we want to show our gratitude by serving others. We do our very best to care for our land and animals in a way that God would want.


We raise our cattle in the most natural and humane way possible. They are born and raised on our family farm and are given plenty of space to roam and graze as they grow. The cattle never leave the farm, and therefore, we are able to monitor and track the cattle from birth through maturity. They are not given growth-promoting hormones or antibiotics. Our cattle gain muscle naturally and are given sufficient time to grow to market weight. We also raise our cattle in a consistent and sustainable way. As a result, the beef you purchase is equally high in quality and taste, year after year. 


Customers are given the opportunity to order our beef by the quarter. In order to ensure that your beef meets your exact specifications, you are given the opportunity to converse directly with our local butcher so that all of your questions are answered. This will also ensure that you receive only cuts of beef that you desire, with no excess or unnecessary cuts.

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